Your awesome FREE Business plan to start your 1st business

Your awesome Business Plan

If you’re keen to set up or grow your small business then it is important to have a clear business plan.

Don’t fail your business, have a plan!

A business plan is an important part of your business. It is the key to drive your business in the direction you want it to go. Even if you have already started your business you should take a moment to do a business plan as this will help you get organised and follow your plan to succeed. 

Just having the idea in your head is not good enough, as this is a dream. When you write thoughts down on paper they become a feasible idea, a goal.

When I was 7 year’s old we moved from Geelong Victoria where I was born, to Bowral NSW. We moved because the ship yard closed and my father was offered a Job as a BHP. When my dad was 50 BHP was sold to a 


When he was 

years old. I was

at the time, 

was sold and my father was retreted.

He used his knowledge and decided to go into business for himself and he brought a Paint, lighting and Wallpaper shop. I grew up helping him unpack boxes, organise globes, display lights and help with accounts. I learnt and sales and planning. 

Mel’s STUFF Once he started running this business he instilled in me the value of planning and it is from him that I have coined the phrase “Proper Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance”. These are the 7P’s of marketing that I hold in higher regard than any others.

Your plan will change over time it will grow with you and morph into all the new business dreams you have. Every time you have a new idea or dream write it down.

How can a plan help your business flourish?

You plan should set your goals clearly in place. From these long term goals (10 years) you will be able to break down into smaller more manageable missions and tasks. Long term goals are something that you should be setting from a management perspective, when you include these into your plan you are then able to clearly communicate with current and potential employees the long term vision of the business. Not only will this give your current employees a sense of purpose but it will help you determine the correct fit of any new candidates you might need in the future to fulfil your goal. Setting goals gives your vision clarity and helps others understand who your business is and where you are heading.

Planning for the future shows customers and future customers that you are a serious, passionate business owner who has a drive that they can see themselves working with. Without a plan you won’t know how you can be more competitive because you won’t understand your competition. Clearly defining your plan and revision of your plan can also mean that you can stay ahead of the competition. Don’t live in a business where you are waiting for the next big change be a market leader, a change maker, show your competition that you are proactive and not reactive. Not only will this set you up as a market leader it will also demonstrate to your target market that you are the one to work with or buy from.

In this busy time that we all live in planning has become more important than ever. Take time every week to assess your plan for the week and discuss this with your team. Reaching your long term goal is so much simpler when you plan and break it down into weekly priorities and daily tasks.

Never forget: “A goal without a plan is just a wish.” ― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

If you are looking for the ultimate planning tool in your business check out our FREE EBook “Marketing Made Simple: 7 Steps Toward Developing the Ideal Marketing Strategy”

Think about why you want to start a business in the first place. It could be because:

* you hate your current job

* you need a more flexible job to fit around your family.

* You’re stuck, you have more knowledge and skills that aren’t being utilised at your current job.

* There are just no jobs available in your area.

Most people wouldn’t plan a holiday without a plan so why would you start a business without one?

Having a business plan will set up your vision, mission and objectives of your business and how much money you actually need to start your business with. If you don’t have much or any spare money then wanting to set up a retail shop in the local mall straight away might be impossible. However starting a blog and writing articles, comparing retail shops and clothing lines can start making you money to set up your dream retail shop. It’s all about dreaming, but taking mini steps to succeed.

Need extra help with your business plan? Grab your copy of the step by step guide to your business plan- arriving soon.

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